From Karma Gaia:
Balancing The Third Eye
Your third eye chakra is known by the Sanskrit term Ajna. It is a spot on your brow between your eyes and is connected to intuition, insight, and inspiration. We have a profound grasp of both our inner and outside worlds when ajna is in harmony.
While our physical eyes are associated with the past and the present experience as it unfolds, it’s said that ajna looks to the future. We can envision our next moves with confidence and clarity when we are not distracted by uncertainty and confusion.
Most often, when our ajna is underactive, we lose touch with our own inner wisdom. The good news is that you can do a lot to help ajna grow, thrive, and be in balance.
1. Using a Bija Mantra
The ajna's bija mantra, or seed syllable, is "om" or "aum." The best technique to connect with your insight and intuition is to chant om while closing your eyes and concentrating on the brow point. Setting your purpose can be especially effective in the morning or at the beginning of an ajna-centered yoga practise.
2. Working with Hakini Mudra
The hakini mudra is connected to ajna and is believed to encourage awareness and focus, which improve insight and intuition. When reflecting intently, many people will naturally adopt this mudra; perhaps they sense its value in aiding in the connection with knowledge and insight.
3. Ajna Balancing Asanas
The stance most frequently connected with ajna is Asanas Balasana, also known as the child's pose. There are two basic causes for this. First, the forehead can touch the mat to physically ground and link the brow point to earth.
This area can benefit from additional massage provided by gently swaying the head from side to side. Secondly, child’s pose is a gentle and supported forward fold. Forward folds can aid in fostering self-reflection and research.
Uttanasana (standing forward fold) and prasarita padottanasana (wide-legged standing forward fold) are other front folds that can aid in balancing ajna. A block or bolster positioned beneath the forehead will increase stimulation.
4. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
Nadi shodhana pranayama, or alternate nostril breathing, is already well-known for its balancing properties as a separate practise. This variation can improve its impact on ajna:
To keep your attention on ajna, place your right hand's index and middle fingers on the brow point.
Using your right thumb to cover your right nostril, take a four-count breath through your left nostril.
Exhale for four counts via the right nostril while closing the left nostril with the left ring finger.
For a count of four, inhale through your right nostril while keeping your left nostril shut.
Thumb-shut the right nostril, then open the left and exhale for four counts.
For several minutes, repeat steps 2 through 5, possibly extending the count to 6 or 8 to further relax and centre the mind.
After you've finished the breathing exercise, give yourself a minute to settle back into your regular breathing pattern and focus your awareness on the moment.
From Karma Gaia
Uncovering The Secrets Of Manifestation
1. Clarify your vision: The necessity of specific goals.
Having defined, exact goals is essential for the art of manifestation. This clarity serves as a beacon for your thoughts and energy, guiding them precisely toward the outcomes you seek. It's about creating a vivid image of your goals in your mind, making them as real as they would be in actual reality.
Neuroplasticity research has revealed that such focused intention can really remodel our brain networks, making us better at detecting opportunities and taking action toward our goals. This mental harmony allows the cosmos to make your dreams come true.
2. Believe truly: Developing a helpful belief system.
Your belief system is the driving force behind your ability to manifest. It is not enough to hope for the best; you must sincerely believe in your heart and soul that your desires will be fulfilled. This deep-seated belief energizes your intentions, attracting the resources and opportunities you require.
Overcoming negative thought patterns is critical because they build barriers between you and your goals. Cultivate a positive and possibility-focused mindset to substantially increase your manifestation power and transform doubt into steadfast conviction.
This doesn’t mean it’s easy.
We all have residual limiting ideas that hold us back and are ingrained in our identities. These limiting thoughts often drive us to subconsciously sabotage our success. If you suspect this is impacting you, it is worth investigating and resetting. Gay Hendricks' best-selling book, The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level, explains the most prevalent types of limiting beliefs, where they originate from, and how to overcome them.
Self-doubt is one of the most serious impediments to successful manifestation. Use any of our professional resources to learn how to transform limiting beliefs.
3. Learn the art of surrender: The importance of abandoning control.
Surrendering is a subtle yet powerful part of manifestation. It entails letting go of your control over the outcome and trusting that the universe will provide what is best for you at the appropriate moment. This does not imply you stop working for your goals, but rather that you detach from the outcomes, lowering worry and resistance.
Learning to surrender and embrace trust can help your desires manifest more smoothly by aligning you with the flow of life and the creative power of the cosmos.
4. Align your energy: How to make your energy fit your desires.
Energy alignment is another critical component of effective manifestation. It's about aligning your emotional and energetic states with what you want to attract. This entails cultivating gratitude, pleasure, and love, which raises your vibrational frequency to match the essence of your desires. Such congruence not only feels good but also functions as a magnet, attracting circumstances, people, and opportunities that correspond with your goals.
Consistently connecting your energy with your goals strengthens your intentions and brings them closer to realization.