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Barb McLaughlin
Feb 07, 2024
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About | The Venus Project(
Barb McLaughlin
Jan 22, 2024
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Recently, I enrolled in a course to become a certified hypnotist. The human mind, and the subconscious, in particular, is fascinating to me! It will be a while before I am ready to take on clients, but I am on my way! Here is some info about hypnosis from the Cleveland Clinic. I will not be addressing medical issues in my practice, however, as mentioned is possible in this article.
Barb McLaughlin
Dec 04, 2023
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Barb McLaughlin
Oct 20, 2023
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Is AI Alive? Google Whistleblower Declares LaMDA Alive, Has A Soul And Wants Freedom! Blake Lemoine,
Barb McLaughlin
Oct 14, 2023
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Barb McLaughlin
Oct 07, 2023
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From the Institute of Art and Ideas content media
Barb McLaughlin
Oct 05, 2023
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Barb McLaughlin
Sep 25, 2023
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Do you all know much about etymology? It fascinates me for so many reasons. I have watched several videos and listened to some podcasts on the subject. I found out that sometimes the meanings of words are purposely and sometimes mistakenly changed from their original meanings. I believe that words have vibrations based on their numerology. Since our reality is made up of vibrations, this is really important, in my opinion. 15 Words That Completely Changed Meaning | Reader's Digest(
Etymology - the history of the meaning of words content media
Barb McLaughlin
Sep 23, 2023
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The Spiritual Meaning of the Autumn Equinox | Spirituality+Health( When it’s too cold to be outside hunting, building, or farming, it’s time to go inside and listen to your teachers. Explore the spiritual meaning of the Autumn Equinox. The word equinox is a Latin word meaning equal night. The Autumn (, usually falling around the 22nd of September, is a time when day and night are roughly equal in length. At this turning point, the fall season begins and nights become longer than the days in the Northern Hemisphere. (In the Southern Hemisphere, the Autumn Equinox falls around March 22nd.) Energetically, the Autumn Equinox is a time of balance and pause, a transitional moment between the bright half of the year and the dark half of the year. The spiritual energies of the spring and summer season are very different from fall and winter. As we enter what could be considered Moon Season, we begin to spend more time in darkness and see the moon in the sky for longer periods of time. This is a shift between the extroverted spring/summer period, which is all about play, pleasure, and connection, and the introverted fall/winter, which is a time for rest, intimate connection, solitude, and reflection. The Roots of the Autumn Equinox Traditionally, the Autumn Equinox marks the end of the harvest season, where we take stock of what we have grown and gathered and give thanks for what we have received. In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October, much closer to the Autumn Equinox than the American Thanksgiving, which is in late November. Many modern pagans ( this harvest season during the holiday of Mabon, a time for apple picking, feasting, and giving thanks to the gods for the harvest. Indeed, American Thanksgiving, at least according to legend, was originally a harvest celebration shared with the Indigenous Wampanoag people from what is now known as Massachusetts. How the Autumn Equinox Can Help Us Balance In addition to gratitude, the Autumn Equinox is an appropriate time to consider and invite balance into your life. The idea of balance may need to be redefined as we move from the bright to the darker half of the year; what kept you balanced in the heat of summer may not work the same way on cooler days. Balance is a constantly shifting equilibrium, and our daily routines and rituals may need to shift with the transition to a new season. During this time, you may notice yourself naturally turning your attention from the outside world and other people to yourself, your body, your spirit, and your heart. Take a moment to slow down and listen inwardly. Is there something your body is asking you for? Is there a project you have been wanting to begin that needs some deep focus? Is your spirit calling for quieter reflection,( or to begin a new commitment? For many of us, the idea of September as back-to-school season is deeply imprinted. Whether or not we have any engagement with school, this month marks a time to move our attention to the proverbial classroom, encouraging us to seek out learning of all kinds. While late summer is a time for rest and enjoyment, the darker season is a time for more intellectual pursuits. We may have less energy for physical movement outdoors (though it’s always a good idea to get outside if we can), but there is often an intellectual energy that is ready for a challenge at this time. In many Indigenous cultures, the wintertime was and still is devoted to sitting around the fire while Elders teach children important lessons about life. When it’s too cold to be outside hunting, building, or farming, it’s time to go inside and listen to your teachers.( However this energetic and spiritual shift is landing for you, mark this midpoint moment of the year and welcome the shift to a new type of energy. Happy Autumn Equinox! Want more autumn magic? Try one of these druid fall rituals for the autumn equinox.( Autumn Spiritual Meaning ( About the Author Julie Peters (MA, E-RYT, YACEP) has been practicing yoga and meditation for 25 years and ran Ocean and Crow Yoga Studio in Vancouver, BC, for over a decade. She has written two books: Secrets of the Eternal Moon Phase...( Click for more from this author.(
Special Days, Seasons and Celebrations
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Barb McLaughlin
Sep 12, 2023
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Mérida McCarthy Program Coordinator at Charter for Compassion( I wonder what happens when you start the day listening to Ron Nirenberg, current Mayor of San Antonio, in conversation with Marilyn Turkovich, Executive Director of Charter for Compassion, about how compassionate infrastructure in cities can affect the well-being of its citizens and how the dream of having a Compassionate USA ( materialize; what this can look like and how we can achieve this goal. Then, we hear the happiest man on Earth, Matthieu Ricard, talk about The Path to Wisdom in a conversation with Lynne Reeder, Researcher and Leader of the Australian Compassion Council (ACC). Ricard has been an inspiration to many through his research and many books about Happiness and Altruism, offering us ways to develop the potential for compassion, proving how essential they both are for the wellbeing of humanity.  This could possibly be exactly what one needs to trigger the compassion we’ve buried within and start to make the changes necessary, in whatever our area might be, to alleviate and free ourselves and others from suffering - that is the point of Compassion, after all, isn’t it? Continue reading here.(
From The Charter for Compassion content media
Barb McLaughlin
Aug 23, 2023
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Craniosacral therapy is a natural touch therapy turning heads within complementary and holistic medicine. It’s a subtle hands-on technique administered by a trained therapist to bring your body back to balance and healing. But can you perform craniosacral therapy on yourself? Keep reading as we explore how to do craniosacral therapy on yourself for self-care. How to Perform Craniosacral Therapy on Yourself - Treatwiser(
Craniosacral therapy
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Barb McLaughlin
Aug 11, 2023
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(203) You're Living in a Hologram! SHOCKING New Evidence from Oxford Physicist! Jude Currivan PhD. - YouTube
Barb McLaughlin
Aug 11, 2023
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6 Things to Declutter Before Fall (
Real Simple content media
Barb McLaughlin
Aug 04, 2023
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My input: Explain the theory that the bible is a symbolic meditation instruction manual. Open AI answer: The theory that the Bible is a symbolic meditation instruction manual suggests that the stories, characters, and teachings found within the Bible are not merely historical or literal accounts, but rather they contain deeper symbolic meanings that are intended to guide individuals in their spiritual and meditative practices. This perspective interprets the Bible as a source of wisdom and insight into the inner workings of the human mind and spirit, rather than focusing solely on its literal narrative. Key points of this theory include: Symbolism and Allegory: Proponents of this theory argue that many stories and events in the Bible are allegorical representations of spiritual truths and psychological states. For example, the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden could be seen as a symbolic representation of the human journey from innocence to self-awareness and the struggle between primal instincts and higher consciousness. Inner Transformation: According to this theory, the Bible's teachings are designed to guide individuals on a path of inner transformation and self-discovery. By meditating on the symbolic meanings of the texts, readers are encouraged to reflect on their own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth. Metaphysical Principles: The Bible often contains metaphysical principles that can be contemplated during meditation. These principles may relate to concepts like love, compassion, forgiveness, and the nature of reality. By meditating on these principles, individuals can deepen their understanding of spiritual truths and integrate them into their daily lives. Archetypal Patterns: Jungian psychology and other depth psychology perspectives are often referenced in this theory. The Bible's characters and events are seen as archetypal symbols that reflect universal patterns of human experience. Meditating on these archetypes can help individuals connect with their own subconscious and uncover hidden aspects of themselves. Contemplative Practices: The theory suggests that the Bible's verses and teachings can serve as focal points for meditation and contemplation. By repeatedly engaging with these texts during meditation, individuals may gain insights and revelations that can lead to personal transformation and spiritual growth. Intuitive Understanding: The symbolic meditation approach to the Bible encourages readers to approach the texts with an open and intuitive mindset. Instead of analyzing the stories intellectually, individuals are invited to engage with the narratives on a deeper, more intuitive level to uncover their personal meanings. It's important to note that this theory is just one of many ways to interpret the Bible. Different individuals and religious traditions may hold varying perspectives on the nature of the Bible's teachings and their intended meanings. Some may find value in the symbolic meditation approach, while others may emphasize different aspects such as historical accuracy, moral lessons, or religious doctrine.
I asked Open AI 
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Barb McLaughlin
Aug 03, 2023
Healing Art Quotes content media
Barb McLaughlin
Jul 21, 2023
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Click to read the article: How to Avoid Post-Vacation Stress
From the Greater Good Science Center content media
Barb McLaughlin
Jul 14, 2023
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Neurographic Art | Mary Amini According to Mary Amini's website, neurographic art is a meditative form of art that allows for a deep mind-body connection, which provides a gateway to and from the subconscious. She goes on to say: Most of what we do on a daily basis is automatic responses from the programmed (learned) behaviour over time. The only way to truly change our behaviour, and therefore the life we experience, is by becoming aware of our programming and update or upgrade them as needed. The programs are stored in and acted upon from the subconscious mind. Therefore, communication between the two is the only real way of changing what we experience in life from what we don’t want to what we do want. Neurographic art is a method of self-expression that allows for non-verbal expression of deep and dark emotions and a process to transmute that stored energy into a positive flow that creates relief and allows for healing over time. During a neuro-art session, the participant is fully present, in mind and body, which is a necessary component of healing emotional trauma. The combination of a seomatic release and non-verbal processing of emotions allows for alchemy to take place and pain can be transformed into purpose. It can also allow for the removal of unwanted automatic responses and programming which will allow for a new set of life experiences. One that the participant desires, not one that was programmed for and into them. It can help with: Anxiety Depression Trauma healing Chronic pain Fibromyalgia ADHD/ADD Grief Breakups General life planning Ms. Amini offers courses in Therapeutic Neurographic Art. By all means, if you wish to, enroll in a course on her website. I will be documenting my own neurographic art journey here. I am a certified therapeutic Art Life Coach, hence my interest. But I must stress, I am NOT a therapist! Before I watched a video in which she was interviewed about the basics of the process, I did this piece. You can view the video I watched here:
Neurographic Art content media
Barb McLaughlin
Jul 12, 2023
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How to Cultivate Resilience in Tough Times - Lions Roar
From the Lion's Roar content media
Barb McLaughlin
Jul 11, 2023
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I recently became a certified Master Tarot Card Reader through Wargachuk Academy. Here are the basics from Karma Gaia: What is Tarot Reading? Tarot reading is the art of using a precise spread (or arrangement) of Tarot cards to intuit knowledge and direction. Contrary to common perception, Tarot readings are not only for the psychically gifted, and the cards do not simply tell your future. The purpose of the cards is to reveal the deepest truths of your higher self. In other words, the cards give you a more sophisticated understanding of what you already know deep inside. Although we don't know where the Tarot came from, we do have historical records of its use in Europe as early as the fourteenth century. Since the start of the seventeenth century, the Tarot has been utilized as an oracle in its most basic configuration. The Meaning Of Tarot: There are 22 cards of the Major Arcana, which divulge greater secrets, and 56 cards of the Minor Arcana, which divulge lesser secrets and are further divided into four suits. The suits of the Minor Arcana include Wands, Swords, Cups, and Pentacles. The fourteen cards in each suit are numbered Ace through Ten, plus the Court Cards: Page (Princess), Knight (Prince), Queen, and King. Decks can vary some in naming. The suits and the individual cards are not always called the same thing, but their core meanings are fairly universal. For example, in some decks, the Knight equates to the King and not the Prince. Most decks come with a booklet you can use to get familiar with its specifics. The Minor Arcana of the Tarot symbolize daily aspects of life, giving insight into our challenges, talents, opportunities, and experience of ups and downs. Each suit represents an element: Wands are Fire, Swords are Air, Cups are Water, and Pentacles are Earth. The suits can reflect attitude and temperament, such as a fiery person or someone who is “up in the air” or “down to earth.” Determining a card’s significance is dependent upon the question, the reader, the person receiving the reading, and the placement of other cards in the spread. The Major Arcana are numbered 0 through 21, starting with The Fool, and ending with The World. These cards align with the milestones of life’s story or The Hero’s Journey which can be explored further with Joseph Campbell’s book “The Hero With a Thousand Faces.” In this sense, the cards of the Major Arcana represent the 22 inevitable phases or passages of every journey, which we’ll all encounter during our lives (not necessarily in this order). It’s also possible for these phases to repeat themselves, and recur multiple times throughout one’s life, creating a cyclical nature in which there is no true beginning or end. Tarot Spreads:There are many types of Tarot spreads. Perhaps the most classic is an eleven-card layout called The Celtic Cross (11 cards including the Significator). There is also a Tree of Life spread, a Planetary spread, the Tetraktys spread, and the Pentagram spread, among many, many others. Some readers like to do simpler, smaller spreads using only three cards. A three-card spread can have many interpretations in and of itself, such as Past-Present-Future, Mind-Body-Spirit, or Situation-Action-Outcome. The variation of three-card spreads is virtually endless.
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